If you have not been assigned a Cecil ID, please enter your birth date in the following format: MM/DD/YYYY.
If you have not been assigned a Cecil email, please enter your personal email. Note that this will be overwritten as soon as you are assigned a Cecil email.
Email Format: yourinfo@chawk.cecil.edu
We maintain a notification list of students who may need assistance if access to a building is affected due to malfunction or campus maintenance. Please select if you would like to be included on this notification list.
Appropriate documentation from a qualified provider is required in order to receive accommodations. If you are unable to provide documentation at this time, an email will be sent to you with instructions for submitting documentation.
Please review our Disability Dopcumentation Guidelines to request the required information from your provider: https://my.cecil.edu/ICS/icsfs/Disability_Documentation_Guidelines.pdf?target=236b61c2-9d4d-4ee7-8a0b-a682efd5ce1e